IT is the inflammatory disorder of the lung tissue.Theoedema fluied fills the alveoli and forms consollidation.Three types of Pneumonia,
- Lobar pneumonia
- Broncho pneumonia
- Aspiration
Mainly bacteria (stephylo cocus).it is infected by food and water.Pathology:
Staphylo-cocus bacteria gets into the lung---->Inflammation of the airway------>Oedema fluied fills the alveoli-------->Increase number of red blood cells------->Macrophages move to the alveoli and try to remove the oedema fluied------>If do not remove oedema in the lung then fibrous tissue form------->Then alveoli are full of red blood cells------>Red hepatization------->The alveoli are full of fluied and not air called consollidation stages------>When consollidation break down that is gray hepatization.Clinical feature:
- Fever(pyrexia)
- Chest pain
- Headache
- Coughing
- Sputum white frothy
- In consollidation stage pleuretic type chest pain
- Breathlessness
- Intercostal muscle spasm
- In severe stage - cynosis
- when the respiratory disease stay theb clubbing form.
- Normal breath sound ------------In normal area.
- No/ absent breath sound---------In consollidation area.
- Decrese breath sound-------------In red hepatization
- Coracles breath sound--------------In gray hepatization.
x-ray will showWhen full of sputum-----------> white
When full of air------------>Blakish
Physiotherapy management:
- Problem list:
- Breathlessness
- Sputum secretion
- Increase work of breathing
- Muscle spasm
- Cheast pain
- cynosis
- clubbinng
Aim of treatment:
- Postural drainage(active cycie breathing technique) mannual tecmique vibration(chest), percusion.
- Deep breathinng exercise(gradually increase) Apical,Lateral costal,Abdominal/Diapharmatic breathing.
- Sniff(3 to5times breath then rest 2to3 miniute).Hold as sniff(3 second hold inspiration 3to5 times). Huffing/FET(forcefull expiratory tecnique) 2to3 times.
- Muscle spasm----- Hot compression,GTFM,gentle breathing. when muscle spasm then purs lip breathing(o shaped breathing)
- Chest pain------ Intercostal brathing, Rib springing(rib pressure)
- Clubbing----------Respiratory(normal breathing continue exercise),when gasseous exchannge normal 2to3 month continue.
- Avoid smoking
- Avoid exhust
- Take planty of water
- Morning walking
- Free exercise.
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