Tennis Elbow
Tennis Elbow
This is a condition characterized by pain and acute tenderness on the lateral side of the elbow usually related to the common extensor tendon.Elbow region - common extensor tendon.
Teno muscular junction.
Teno oseious junction.
Lateral - Tennis elbow.
Age- 30-60 years.
Sex- equally affected (female).
1. Excessive use wrist extension work.2. Wrong technique of sports (tennis, Golfers. Badminton)
3. Strong forearm movement.
4. Strong weight bearing.
5. During cooking.
6. Carpentry
7. Knitting
8. Painting
9. Raking
10. Typing
10. Typing
A tear occur in the Teno-muscular and Teno -osesois junction —> inflammation produce —>fibrin form over the torn tissue—-> fibrous tissue—>adhesion of muscle of tissue.
Clinical features:
1. Pain (during activities).2. Referred pain (down to the wrist).
3. Movement.
4. Palpation.
Physiotherapy test: Cozen’s test.
Investigation: X-ray Both view (Elbow joint).
#. Problem list1. Pain
2. Tenderness.
3. Decrease range of motion.
4. Decrease muscle power.
5. Decrease ADL activity.
#. Aims
1. Pain——> Reduce Pain.
2. Tenderness——> Reduce tender.
3.Range of motion——> Increase range of motion.
Plans of treatment:
1. Pain
# Acute # Chronic.
#Acute—-> 1 week ( onset).
1. Ice compression 10 minutes and eider 50 minutes
2. Ultrasound ( pulse mode 0.5-0.8 w/cm’2 5- 10 minutes).
3. Gentle transverse friction message (GTFM) 5-10 minutes.
4. Complete bed rest.
# Chronic—>1.GTFM.
3. Ultrasound.
4. IRR.
5. Wax baths therapy.
6. Heat bag or hot water bag.
7. Gradually movement.
1. Don’t heavyweights lifting.
2. Heat bag use affected area
3. Warm shack.
4. Elbow Band use.
Thanks for the post .This post is very helpful