Muscular Distrophy/Myopathy
Muscular distrophy are a group of genitically determine disorder ,assoiciated, with a progressive degeneration of skeletal muscle involvement of the central or pheripheral nervous system.Muscular distropies is a condition in which muscle month by month,year by year, yet weaker and weaker because the disabiliy gradually get poors.
- Unknown
- Genitically determine
- Sign and Symtome:
- Mostly affects the boys rearly girl.
- Ist sign appear 3to5 years.
- child may seen clumsy
- Patient begins to walk tip toe when runs fall open
- problem gets steadily over the next several years.
- Muscle weakness first affect feet,fronts of the thigh,hips ,belly,shoulders,elbows and later affect hand,face, neck muscle.
- Most children become are able to walk by age of 10 to12 years.
- May developed a several curved/curvature of the spine
- Heart and breathing muscie aiso get weak almost died before 20
- Child usually dies before 20 due to heart failure.
- Achene muscular distropy
- Duchune muscular distropy
Physioterapy management:
Problem list:
- Muscle weakness
- Muscle contracture
- joint stiffness
- Respiratory complication
- Pressure sores
- Balance problem
- Abnormal gait
- Hamstring muscle contacture----Stretch due to maintain muscle length.
- When Joint stiff----->passive movement, free movement mobilizing exercise,accessory movement, movement with mobilization,passive movement.
- To maintain the lung clear field
- HOLD and Sniff
- To correct respitory complication---->Postural drainage.when no secretion----------->suction use, Labulizer.
- Every two hour the patient position and cheek the bony prominant area-by use cushion, pillow;jemi cusion, prevent the pressure sore
- To maintain the self movement
- walking
- squatting
- If balance decrease than sitting balance
- static balance
- dynamic balance
- Parallar bar
- Walker
- When patient walking then are device use.
- Back sleb
- Clothing.
- Brushing.
- Combing.
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